Saturday, October 22, 2011

Making big decisions

Tao Of Po has added a page on making important decisions - Make a decision to do something Big.
Today I have made several big decisions today that will greatly impact my life:

1. Eat a McDonald's value meal (it will shorten my life)
2. Watch the LSU vs. Auburn football game (intense living in the moment)
3. Watch the SMU football game tonight (my alma mater returning from the dead)
4. Registering to run the New Orleans Rock N' Roll Marathon

When I was a child, I never envisioned running a marathon, let alone 10. If I even knew what a marathon was during childhood, I would have been beaten by bullies for being a geek.

So I have run 6 marathons:

1. Marine Corps
2. New York
3. Anchorage, AK
4. Helena, MT
5. Atlanta
6. Chicago

I want to run a total of 10, which will include:

7. Houston
8. New Orleans
9. Boston (interchangeable with #10)
10. Antarctica (interchangeable with #9)

After #10 I have no idea what Big Thing I will pursue, but I guarantee you that while I am cursing my poor judgement for running on the rocks and snow of the southern hemisphere, I will plot what big adventure will come next.

The decision to run #1 was something of a religious experience. The decision to run ten total was more of a calculation, but a thoughtful, exhilarating experience nonetheless.

The point is that the pivot spot between mediocrity and greatness occurs when you make a decision. There's more to a decision that just saying you'll do something. It is an inflection point.

There is a whole lot to say on this subject. Check out my page Make a decision to do something Big. Then, make a decision to do something big.

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