Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Worst. Run. Ever. 19.25 miles of misery.

Well, actually 14 miles of powerful, determined running, another 3-ish of plodding, and a final 3-ish of ugly loping and puttering. When I started this morning it was great, probably because the temperatures were moderate... in the 50s. By the time 14 and 16.5 miles rolled around the temps had climbed nearly 20 degrees. I wilted. Folded like a beach chair. Spent like casino quarter. It was the ugliest run I can remember... at least the finish was.

This is exactly what happened at the 2010 Chicago Marathon when the temps started very cool for a Great Lakes fall morning then climbed into the 70s late in the morning. You know, the time you need your strength the most to finish the race.

On top of it all, I foolishly drank two cups of coffee early in the morning. By mile 14 I had to stop for a drink of water, but by then it was too late: I was already dehydrated. I thought a lot about proper hydration and even gave thoughts to hyponatremia (dehydration's polar opposite evil twin). Fortunately, I finished, hydrated, showered and ate.

I have been feeling sick to my stomach since I finished. Have you ever experienced this? I don't know what it is or if it has anything to do with running. I'm not sick, but I am oogie.

Still, I finished the 19-mile long run. Next stop, 22 miles. But this time I will start early, early in the morning to avoid overheating and dehydration.

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